Acupuncture, which originated in China thousands of years ago, remains one of the oldest and most commonly used healing systems worldwide. It activates the body's natural ability to heal and regenerate, restoring it to a balanced state. This process involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body, which correspond to energetic pathways known as meridians. Once inserted, the needles unblock energy, creating a new equilibrium, releasing endorphins, and prompting the nervous system to facilitate healing.
Acupuncture effectively treats a wide variety of conditions and can benefit virtually any ailment. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners often combine therapies such as acupuncture, energy medicine, herbal medicine, cupping, gua sha, massage, and nutritional counseling. Treatments are tailored to address the unique imbalances in each patient.
Here are a few examples of conditions acupuncture can treat:
Medical Qigong therapy serves as the energetic foundation of Chinese medicine, addressing the root causes of disharmony within an individual and treating the person as a whole. Disruptions in the body's electromagnetic energy can occur throughout life due to factors such as poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, injuries, surgery, emotional suppression, and aging. The goal of Qigong is to correct these bioenergetic imbalances and blockages, enabling the body to strengthen and regulate internal organs, the nervous system, and the immune system. It also helps relieve pain, regulate hormones, and release deep-seated emotions and stress.
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NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique) employs principles of Chinese Medicine to detect, clear, or desensitize all types of allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities to food, the environment, and various other substances.
NAET is a safe and effective method combining Kinesiology (Muscle Response Testing), Acupressure, Acupuncture, and breathwork to reset neural pathways.
NAET is a process discovered and developed by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad in 1983 as a non-invasive, drug-free, natural solution to detect, clear, or desensitize allergens of all kinds and intensities. It uses a blend of techniques, to reset neural pathways.
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